Monday, 19 February 2018

Rummy Mahjong Malaysia

How to play Malaysia style Rummy with mahjong tiles?

There are many different versions of the Rummy. This version is commonly played in Malaysia.

1) 4-5 players.
2) 112 mahjong tiles set (2 sets of A to K in ♠️♥️♦️♣️ + 8 jokers.
3) 2 dices

To play the tiles and connect them in sequence. 
The first person to clear all the tiles in his hand wins. If there are no more moves for everyone, the person with the lowest points wins.

Set Up:
Shuffle the tiles with tiles facing downwards.
There after, arrange the tiles, still facing downwards in 4 or 5 rows of 2 stacks, depending on the numbers of players.

The dealer will throw 2 dices to decide the row that the first player will take his tiles from.
Eg: dealer rolls 3 & 6. Total 9.
Start from the person to the left of dealer.  Count to the 10th stack from right to left in front of this person. The person to the right (anti-clockwise rotation) will take these 4 tiles(10th & 11th stacks), and the next person the next 4th tiles. Once everyone has 20 tiles. The game begins. The remaining tiles are places face down in the middle of the table.

Playing the game:
... To be continued